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Population: 137,298 Area: 16 Sq Miles Ambulance Provider: Private Svc
Call Volume: 27,011 Members: 350 Full Time
Official WebsiteFrequency: 154.995 (156.7 PL), FG - 153.830 (156.7 PL) Dispatched by:


Headquarters 30 Congress Street - (E1, L5, R5, Batt 1, SO1, Zodiac 1)
Station 3233 Wood Ave - (E3, E4, SE23, SE24, CP, MC1)
Station 61035 Central Ave - (E6, L6, Batt 2, SE26, SL26)
Station 7245 Ocean Terrace - (E7, L11, SE27, SL211, SR5)
Station 10 950 Boston Ave - (E10, L10)
Station 12265 Beechmont Ave - (E12)
Station 15104 Evers Street - (E15, HazMat)
Station 16 3115 Madison Ave - (E16) (Apparatus Maint also works out of this station)
Crash StationSikorsky Airport (staffed by Skiorsky Airport employee during day/Lad 6 crew at night) - (R1, R2)
Engine 1 2013 Pierce Arrow XT 1250/500
Engine 3 2021 Pierce Enforcer 1250/500 (#35963)
Engine 42007 Pierce Arrow XT 1250/500
Engine 6 2018 Pierce Enforcer 1250/750/30F (#31179)
Engine 7 2018 Pierce Enforcer 1250/750/50F (#32417)
Engine 102010 Pierce Arrow XT 1250/500
Engine 122010 Pierce Arrow XT 1250/500
Engine 15 2021 Pierce Enforcer 1250/500
Engine 16 2018 Pierce Ascendant 1500/500/107' RMA (#32418)
Spare Engine 23 1997 Pierce Quantum 2000/500 (spare/exE1) (55' Snozzle removed 2015)
Spare Engine 24 2002 Pierce Dash 1500/500/Foam (exE15)
Spare Engine 26 1997 Pierce Quantum 2000/750/30A/50B (exE7)
Spare Engine 27 2007 Pierce Arrow XT 1250/500 (exE3)
Spare Engine 216 1992 Pierce Lance 1250/500 (exE12)
Ladder 5 2012 Pierce Arrow XT 95' Mid-mount tower
Ladder 6 2023 Pierce Enforcer 100' MM Tower (#39132) NO PHOTO
ex Ladder 6 2002 Pierce Dash 100' Mid-mount tower (exL5)
Ladder 10 2017 Pierce Enforcer-Ascendant 107' RMA
Ladder 11 2021 Pierce Enforcer-Ascendant 107' RMA
Spare Ladder 211 2002 Pierce Dash 100' midmount aerial (exL11)
Spare Ladder 26 1993 Pierce Lance 105' rearmount aerial (exL6)
Rescue 5 2023 Pierce Enforcer walk-around heavy rescue (#37880)
Spare Rescue 2013 Pierce Arrow XT heavy rescue (ex R5)
Air/Light/Command 1998 International/Pierce Air/Light/Command
MC 1 1996 Stewart and Stevenson M1078 high water/severe weather rescue
Haz/Mat Spill Truck Freightliner/Pierce
Battalion 1 2019 Ford F-250 XLT 4X4
Battalion 2 2019 Ford F-250 XLT 4X4
Safety Officer 1 2017 Ford F-350 4X4
Fire Boat 233 2013 33' Safeboat, 3 Yamaha 300 HP outboards, 1000 gpm pump  
Urban 3 aluminum hulled boat NO PHOTO
Urban 10 aluminum hulled boat NO PHOTO
Urban 12 aluminum hulled boat NO PHOTO
Zodiac 1 12' Zodiac Boat NO PHOTO
Zodiac 6 12' Zodiac Boat
Zodiac 7 18' Zodiac Boat 225 HP NO PHOTO

167 Norman Ave (demolished after 2016) Station 3
1184 Barnum Station 6
58 Newfield Ave Station 8
268 Putnam Street Station 10
1907 Locomobile Chemical 1 NO PHOTO
1907 Locomobile Chemical 2 NO PHOTO
1907 Locomobile Chemical 3 NO PHOTO
1912 Nott Engine 1 NO PHOTO
1912 Waterous 600 GPM Engine 2 NO PHOTO
1913 Waterous 600 GPM Engine 3 NO PHOTO
1915 Pope hose wagon Hose 1 NO PHOTO
1915 Mack A hose wagon Hose 4 NO PHOTO
1915 Mack A hose wagon Hose 7 NO PHOTO
1915 Waterous 600 GPM Engine 5 NO PHOTO
1917 Waterous 600 GPM Engine 1 NO PHOTO
1917 Waterous 600 GPM Engine 4 NO PHOTO
1917 Waterous 600 GPM Engine 6 NO PHOTO
1918 Robinson 750 GPM Engine 8 NO PHOTO
1918 Robinson 750 GPM Engine 10 NO PHOTO
1918 Robinson 750 GPM Engine 11 NO PHOTO
1918 Robinson 750 GPM Engine 12 NO PHOTO
1920 American LaFrance/Brockway (#3244) Engine 9 NO PHOTO
1920 Packard hose wagon Hose 8, 10, 4 NO PHOTO
1926 American LaFrance/Brockway 750 GPM (#5675) Engine 2 NO PHOTO
1927 American LaFrance/Brockway 750 GPM (#6024) Engine 3 NO PHOTO
1927 American LaFrance/Brockway 750 GPM (#6023) Engine 4 NO PHOTO
1927 American LaFrance/Brockway 750 GPM (#6022) Engine 10 NO PHOTO
1928 American LaFrance 1000 GPM (#6415) Engine 1 NO PHOTO
1928 American LaFrance 750 GPM (#6414) (to Svenson FC) Engine 5 NO PHOTO
1928 Studebaker chem Chem 1, 5 NO PHOTO
1928 Studebaker chem Chem 2 NO PHOTO
1928 Studebaker chem Chem 1 NO PHOTO
1930 Mack 1000 GPM Engine 7, 5 NO PHOTO
1935 Mack B 600 GPM Engine 5 NO PHOTO
1935 Mack B 600 GPM Engine 6, 15
1935 Mack B 600/100 Engine 6 NO PHOTO
1935 Mack B 600/100 Engine 9 NO PHOTO
1936 Mack B hose wagon Hose 1, 4 NO PHOTO
1936 Mack B Engine 7 NO PHOTO
1938 Mack E Engine 2 NO PHOTO
1941 Mack E 200 GPM Chem 5, Squad 5, 6 NO PHOTO
1943 Mack E 600 GPM Engine 1, 14 NO PHOTO
1945 Mack E 500 GPM Squad 5 NO PHOTO
1945 Mack L 750 GPM Engine 6, 14
1947 Mack L 750 GPM Engine 3 NO PHOTO
1948 Mack L 750/300 Engine 10 NO PHOTO
1949 Mack L 1000 GPM Engine 1 NO PHOTO
1949 Mack L 750 GPM Engine 8, 4 NO PHOTO
1951 Mack L 750 GPM Engine 2 NO PHOTO
1952 Mack L 750 GPM Engine 8 NO PHOTO
1953 American LaFrance 700 750/150 Engine 5, 14 NO PHOTO
1955 American LaFrance 700 1000/150 Engine 5, 4 NO PHOTO
1956 American LaFrance 700 1000/150 Engine 6 NO PHOTO
1956 American LaFrance 700 1000/150 Engine 3 NO PHOTO
1957 American LaFrance 750/150 Engine 11, 7 NO PHOTO
1959 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 6 NO PHOTO
1959 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 7, 4 NO PHOTO
1961 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 12 NO PHOTO
1962 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 16 NO PHOTO
1963 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 1, 14 NO PHOTO
1964 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 4, 15 NO PHOTO
1964 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 5 NO PHOTO
1967 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 6 NO PHOTO
1967 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 1 NO PHOTO
1969 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 15, 4 NO PHOTO
1970 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 7, 3 NO PHOTO
1970 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 11, 3 NO PHOTO
1970 American LaFrance 900 1000/300 Engine 2, 5 NO PHOTO
1974 Ward LaFrance 1000/500 Engine 8, 7 NO PHOTO
1975 Ward LaFrance 1000/500 Engine 1, 16 NO PHOTO
1975 Ward LaFrance 1000/500 Engine 10, 12, 6 NO PHOTO
1975 Ward LaFrance 1000/500 Engine 5, 15 NO PHOTO
1976 Ward LaFrance 1000/500 Engine 2, 14 NO PHOTO
1982 Mack CF 1500/500 Engine 1, 10, 16
1982 Mack CF 1500/500 Engine 3, 2, 12
1982 Mack CF 1500/500 Engine 4, 15
1982 Mack CF 1500/500 Engine 5
1982 Mack CF 1500/500 Engine 6 NO PHOTO
1982 Mack CF 1500/500 Engine 7
1986 Hahn 1250/1000 Engine 8, 6
1986 Hahn 2000/500 Engine 1, 5 NO PHOTO
1986 Hahn 2000/500 Engine 3/Foam Unit
1992 Pierce Lance 1500/750/100B Engine 4, 24
1992 Pierce Lance 1250/500 Engine 10, 27
1997 Pierce Quantum 1250/1000/120F Engine 6
1914 Cross/CJ Front Tractor Co city service Truck 1 NO PHOTO
1914 Cross/CJ Front Tractor Co city service Truck 2 NO PHOTO
1917 American LaFrance/Brockway city service (#1730) Truck 4 NO PHOTO
1917 American LaFrance/Brockway city service (#1731) Truck 5 NO PHOTO
1920 American LaFrance/Brockway 75' TDA (#2904) Truck 1, 3 NO PHOTO
1923 American LaFrance/Brockway 75' TDA (#4449) Truck 2, 5 NO PHOTO
1925 American LaFrance/Brockway 75' TDA (#5158) Truck 3 NO PHOTO
1939 Mack E city service Truck 5, 10 NO PHOTO
1940 Mack E city service Truck 11 NO PHOTO
1941 Mack E 600/150 city service Truck 12 NO PHOTO
1943 Mack/American Automatic 75' TDA Truck 3, 6 NO PHOTO
1950 American LaFrance 700 85' TDA Truck 5, 16 NO PHOTO
1954 American LaFrance 700 100' TDA Truck 5 NO PHOTO
1956 American LaFrance 700 100' TDA Truck 3
1957 American LaFrance 700 100' TDA Truck 6 NO PHOTO
1970 American LaFrance 900 100' RMA Truck 11, 5, 12, 3
1971 American LaFrance 900 100' RMA Ladder 10
1976 Ward LaFrance/Hi Ranger 85' articulating Truck 5, 11
1977 Seagrave 100' RMA Truck 3, 6, 5, 11
1980 American LaFrance Century/1954 American LaFrance trailer 100' TDA Truck 3
1982 American LaFrance Century 100' TDA Truck 6 NO PHOTO
1992 Simon Duplex/Baker 75' Aerialscope Ladder 5, Sp Lad 2 NO PHOTO
1996 Pierce Lance 1250/500/75' RMA Engine 16
1997 Pierce Lance 105' RMA Ladder 10, 211
Airport Fire Truck Rescue 2
26' Aluminum 2 225 Mercury Outboards, 1250 GPM (to Fairfield) Fire Boat 1 NO PHOTO
1961 American LaFrance 300 gal Squad 5 NO PHOTO
1971 American LaFrance 1000 250/300 Squad 5 NO PHOTO
1978 Ford C/3D 350/500 Rescue 5 NO PHOTO
1992 Pierce Lance 250/500 Rescue 5