Allenstown Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for a Horton ambulance built on a Dodge 5500 chassis. Oct 2023.

Alton Fire Department has placed an order with Desorcie Emergency Products for an E-One pumper tanker with 10 wheel chassis. Sep 2022.

Amherst Fire has placed an order with Toyne for a pumper built on a Spartan chassis. April 2023.

Andover Fire has placed an order with 4-Guys pumper built on a Spartan MetroStar chassis with 1500 GPM pump and 1800 gallon tank. It will replace Engine 1's 1998 International/Smeal and delivery is expected in mid to late 2025. May 2023.

Antrim Fire has placed an order for a Ford F-550/PL Custom ambulance. August 2023.

Atkinson Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer 1500/1000 pumper. September 2023.

Barnstead Fire Department has placed an order with Specialty Vehicles for a Rosenbauer Cobra 88' mid-mount platform. Additional features include: Cummins X15 500hp motor, Allison 4000EVS transmission, 5-section aerial, 1500 GPM pump and 500 gallon water tank. Feb 2023.

Berlin Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce pumpe and a Pierce ladder truck. The pumper will be a Pierce Enforcer 4x4 with a 750 gallon water tank and a 1500 GPM Waterous pump. The aerial will be an Enforcer 105' steel aerial with no tank and no pump. This truck will also carry a full cascade system for filling air bottles. Feb 2023.

Berlin Fire Department has been awarded a Federal grant to purchase a new pumper. March 2023.

Bethlehem Fire has placed an order with Desorcie Emergency Products for an E-One pumper built on a commercial chassis with 1500 GPM pump and 1000 gallon water tank. May 2023.

Brookline Fire Department has placed an order with Alexis for a rescue-pumper for Rescue 1. May 2023.

Canterbury Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for an E-One custom pumper. June 2023.

Cheshire EMS has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for five (5) Wheeled Coach ambulances- two (2) Ford Transit type II ambulances, three (3) Ford E-350 Type III ambulances and 1 Horton ambulance built on a Ford F-550 chassis for a total of six ambulances. Apr 2022.

Chichester Fire Department has placed an order with Lakes Region Fire Apparatus for an Alexis pumper built on an HME 1871 MFDxL 12” raised roof Chassis. Features include: Cummins L9 370-HP Diesel Engine, Allison 3000 EVS Automatic Transmission, Hale 1500 gpm pump and 1000 gallon water tank. Jun 2022.

Colebrook Fire Department has on order a Sutphen pumper to replace Engine 3. June 2024.

Concord Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer 100' RM Tower. Aug 2022.

Concord Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance for a Pierce Enforcer 1500/1000 pumper. November 2024.

Deerfield Fire Department has been awarded a Federal grant to purchase a new pumper-tanker. March 2023.

Derry Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Saber 1500/1500 pumper/tanker. 2022.

Durham Fire Department has placed an order with Marion for a heavy rescue built on a Spartan chassis. December 2023.

Enfield Fire Department has placed an order with Desorcie for a Freightliner M2-106/E-One 1250/2000 tanker. January 2024.

Errol Fire Department has been awarded a Federal grant for a new tanker. July 2023.

Franconia Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire & Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer pump. Features include and enclosed pump house, light tower, 1500 GPM pump and 1000 gallon water tank. Jun 2022.

Goffstown Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire & Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer pumper. Features include a low hose bed, 1500 GPM Waterous pump and 1000 gallon water tank. Jun 2022.

Greenville Fire Department has placed an order with Lakes Region Fire Apparatus for an HME Ahrens-Fox 1871W Custom Pumper. Features include a 1500 GPM pump, 1206 gallon water tank, Cummins L9 - 450 HP motor and Allison 3000EVS Automatic Transmission. May 2022.

Hampton Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for a new E-One custom pumper. Jul 2022.

Holderness Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Saber pumper with 1500 GPM pump and 1000 gallon water tank. March 2023.

Hollis Fire Department has been approved funding to purchase a new Rosenbauer 105’ midmount tower. March 2025.

Hopkinton Fire Department has on order a new tanker that will replace both Tanker 1 and Tanker 2. No manufacturer or spec info at this time. February 2024.

Kensington Fire Department had funds approved to purchase a new ambulance. Mar 2022.

Laconia Fire Department has placed an order with Lakes Region Fire Apparatus for a Spartan MetroStar/Alexis 1500/1000/30F pumper. Nov 2023.

Laconia Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood EV for an E-One Typhoon 1500/500/100' RM Ladder truck. Click for PDF Drawing. January 2025.

Lancaster voters approved funds to purchase two (2) new ambulances for the fire department. Mar 2022. 1 ambulance built by Demers delivered in August 2023.

Lebanon Fire Department currently has on order an E-One Typhoon 100' RMA ladder truck.

Lebanon Fire Department has placed an order with Descorcie for an E-One Typhoon stainless steel pumper. January 2024.

Lincoln Fire Department has placed an order with Desorcie Emergency Products for an E-One Typhoon custom built pumper. March 2023.

Londonderry Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for two (2) Pierce Velocity pumpers with 2000 GPM pumps and 1000 gallon water tanks. December 2023.

Loudon Fire Department recently acquired a 2005 Ford F-550/Pierce light rescue that had previously served with the U.S. Air Force. Posted in December.

Manchester Fire Department has placed an order with Specialty Vehicles for a Rosenbauer walk-in heavy rescue. Oct 2023.

Manchester Fire Department has placed an order with Specialty Vehicles for a Rosenbauer Cobra 100' MM Tower for Truck 7. July 2024.

Marlborough Residents Approve New Fire Truck; $2.6M Operating Budget. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. March 2023.

Mason Fire Department has on order a KME 1500/1000 pumper to replace Engine 4. March 2025.

Meredith Fire has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer 1500 GPM Pumper with 1250 gallon water tank and a Husky 3 foam system. April 2023.

Merrimack Fire has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer pumper with 1500 GPM pump and 750 gallon water tank. May 2023.

Milford Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire & Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer PUC pumper with 1500 GPM pump and 500 gallon water tank. May 2022.

Milford Fire has ordered a Pierce Saber 1500/1000 pumper. This is in addition to the Enforcer pumper ordered in 2022. April 2023.

Nashua Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Arrow XT pumper for Engine 2. Nov 2022.

Nashua Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce pumper for Engine 1 and a Pierce rear-mount ladder for Ladder 1. May 2023.

New Hampton Fire Department has funding approved to puarchase a new ambulance. Mar 2020.

New Hampton Fire Department has funding approved to purchase a new pumper. Mar 2019.

Newington Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Road Rescue ambulance built on a Chevy 5500 chassis. March 2024.

North Hampton Fire Department currently has on order an E-One Typhoon eMax 1500/1000 pumper and a Ford F-550 forestry truck with 200 gallon water tank. July 2024.

Pittsfield Fire Department has funds approved to purchase a new ambulance. Mar 2020.

Pittsfield Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for a new E-One custom pumper. Jul 2022.

Plaistow Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer 2000/1000 pumper. June 2024.

Plymouth Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire Apparatus for a Pierce Enforcer pumper. Features include a 1500 GPM pump, 1000 gallons of water, a double decker hose bed, with 1000' of LDH and 400' of 2.5" hose on the top deck and a large selection of preconnected hose lines on the lower deck. Apr 2022.

Plymouth Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance for a Pierce Saber 2000/2500 tanker. June 2024.

Portsmouth Fire has placed an order with Greenwood EV for a Ford F-550/Horton ambulance. December 2024.

Rye Fire Department have funds approved to purchase a new ambulance.

Rye Fire Department has on order a 2023 Ford F-600/E-One w/ 1250 GPM pump and 450 gallon water tank. It will be replacing Engine 1's 1993 International. Sep 2022.

Salem Fire Department has placed an order with Allegiance Fire/Rescue for a Pierce Enforcer pumper with 1500 GPM pump and 750 gallon water tank for Engine 3. April 2023.

Salem Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for a Horton ambulance built on a Ford F-550 4X4 chassis. Nov 2023.

Sandown Fire Department has received a Federal grant in the amount of $496,885 for a Pumper Truck.

Stratham Fire has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for an E-One Cyclone custom pumper. July 2023.

Tilton-Northfield Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood EV for a Ford F-550/Horton ambulance. April 2024.

Whitefield Fire Department has placed an order with Desorcie for an E-One 1500/1000 pumper built on a commercial chassis.

Wilton Fire Department is in the process of purchasing a used ladder truck. No partiulars at this time. May 2023.

Windham Fire Department has placed an order with Greenwood Emergency Vehicles for a Horton ambulance built on a Ford F-550 chassis. February 2024.


Bennington Fire Department has taken delivery of a 2025 HME Ahrens-Fox 1500/839/30F for Engine 1. Posted in March.

Center Conway Fire Department recently acquired a 2003 Pierce Enforcer 1500/1000 designated Engine 5. It previously served as Chester (NH) Engine 2. Posted in February.

Groveton Ambulance has placed into service a 2024 Ford E-450/Demers ambulance as Ambulance 2. Posted in February.

Hampton Fire Department has taken delivery of a 2025 Ford F-550/PL Custom ambulance for Ambulance 1 and two (2) 2025 E-One Typhoon 1500/740/40F pumpers for Engine 5 and Engine 6. Posted in February.

Jaffrey Fire Department has taken delivery of a 2025 Pierce Enforcer 1500/1000 for Engine 1. Posted in March.

Marlborough Fire Department has taken delivery of a 2025 Freightliner/Midwest 1250/3000 for Tanker 1. Posted in February.

Plaistow Fire Department has acquired two (2) 2002 Ford E-450/Unicell utility vehicles. One will be utilized as a rehab unit and the other as a special hazards unit. Both had previously served with Southeastern NH Haz-Mat. Posted in March.

Rye Fire Department has taken delivery of a 2025 Ford F-600/E-One 1250/450 for Squad 4. Posted in February.

Tamworth Fire Department has taken delivery of a 2025 Dodge Ram 5500/PL Custom ambulance for Ambulance 1. Posted in February.


Berlin EMS will cease operations in April with the fire department taking over transporting ambulance services. Posted in March.

East Conway Fire Department has dissolved into Center Conway Fire Department. Posted in February.

Hampton Fire/Rescue has hired added four new firefighters to the ranks: FF/AEMT Connor Chisholm, FF/EMT Alex Frost, FF/EMT Tyler Lord, and FF/EMT Tyler Hilton. Posted in February.

Keene Fire Department staffing 'unsustainable,' leaders say. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Posted in February.

Plaistow Fire Department has taken over Advanced Life Support responsibilities for Exeter Hospital ALS. They have placed into service 4 medical intercept vehicles which will serve various towns across Rockingham County. ALS 1 and ALS 2 are both 2025 Chevy Tahoes. ALS 3 and ALS 4 are both 2018 Chevy Tahoes, formerly of Exeter Hospital ALS. Posted in March.

Swanzey voters to see seventh plan for new fire station. CLICK FOR ARTICLE. Posted in February.

Webster Fire Department has taken delivery of a 2025 International HX-52/Deep South 1500/3000 for Tank 1. Posted in March.